Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Making Progress

We have received our Visas, and purchased the required medical/travel insurance. Total cost: just a few dollars shy of $1,000!

We are now taking care of our medical needs: getting our teeth cleaned, stockpiling our prescription medications, etc. We have yet to secure our malaria prophylactic, and Darlene needs to update her vaccination for tetanus.

Other preparations also are underway. A friend has volunteered to pickup our mail...and we will ask her to pay a couple of tax bills that will not be available until after December 14. We have stopped our garbage pickup for the three months we are away. I have terminated our cell phone service beginning December 22. I need to do likewise with the service for my Internet broadband card, and we need to arrange to have the road coverage on our vehicles dropped.

A trip like this requires a lot of contacts and adjustments! But, we are making progress....

Friday, November 5, 2010


We are returning to Hope Africa University (HAU) December 14 - February 24.

Our travel time has been cut in half, because Brussels airlines now flies twice per week directly from Brussels to Bujumbura. Our itinerary is as follows: a short hop from Rochester to Newark, overnight to Brussels, and a long day flight into BJM (arriving at 7:50 pm local time). Total time: less than 20 hours!

We have applied for our visas directly through the Burundi Embassy in Wash, DC. They (and the return of our passports) have not yet arrived. We have yet to purchase the required travel insurance. We are collecting the materials and personal effects we need to take with us.

While in Burundi, Wayne will be a teaching a course for Northeastern Seminary (NES) on-line. In recent weeks, he has been developing the materials for the course, and posting them on the Internet. He is now preparing two courses he will be teaching immediately upon our return at the end of February: Philippians for the Ambassadors class at Pearce Church, and Prison Epistles at NES.

So we are busily engaged, happily so, getting ready for our fourth return visit to HAU in 2010-2011. We request your prayers.